Marc Andreessen's 'colonialism' gaffe?

Marc Andreessen's 'colonialism' gaffe? A symptom of Silicon Valley bias

After an irate Facebook board member wrote that India is better off under colonialism, many in Silicon Valley’s large and influential Indian population were offended.

“People like [Facebook board member] Marc Andreessen are speaking from places of such massive privilege and are still so massively wrong,” said Rohit Sharma, a venture capitalist with True Ventures, which has raised $878m. “Someone in India’s needs are just the same as someone in San Francisco. How dare you imply otherwise? No.”

On 8 February, India’s telecoms regulator blocked services such as Facebook’s Free Basics, a scheme to offer a small selection of low-bandwidth apps for free to users in the developing world. Net neutrality campaigners have opposed the service, which already operates in 16 other countries, because they say Facebook and its telecoms partners have too much control over which apps can be included, and should not be given what is effectively priority access to a developing market.
The general argument for it in Silicon Valley has been that, yes, it comes with potentially unsavory strings attached, but it’s free, and it’s better than nothing.

When the news came that India had rejected Facebook, board member and investor Andreessen tweeted the missive that echoed around the world: “Anti-Colonialism has been economically catastrophic for India for decades. Why stop now?”

One sunny San Francisco day later – after Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg was forced to publicly disavow the tweet – Sharma was calling in on Arvind Gupta, who invests in and guides a group of early stage startups at his accelerator IndieBio. Their conversation quickly shifted to Free Basics and Andreessen’s message.
Gupta said he felt Facebook’s stumble was partly due to distance and being out of touch with Indian people.
“It’s easy to think this is a good idea 5,000 miles away in your nice apartment,” Gupta said.

Sharma saw it as part of a broader issue of homogeneity in Silicon Valley, a region run by a narrow set of oligarchs who famously eschew hiring women or people of color.

“Why is the Valley suddenly so tone deaf? Well, look how badly the Valley does on inclusion in hiring. Bias is the norm here,” Sharma said. “Why is the Indian user any less capable than anyone else? Why do they have different needs than you do? They don’t. But that thinking is all part of the same problem.”

Some Indian leaders in Silicon Valley, though, argue that too much is being made of Andreessen’s comment.

Venky Ganesan, managing director of local investment firm Menlo Ventures, said that Free Basics could seem quite a bit like colonialism: a gift in exchange for some of your freedom.

“The historical dimension that most American companies might not fully appreciate is that Indian schoolchildren, including me when I grew up, are taught that the colonization of India started with the East India Company coming to trade,” Ganesan said. “Culturally, Indians tend to be very wary of strangers bringing gifts in the guise of trade.”

But Ganesan felt the international outrage to Andreessen’s message was overblown: “Honestly the reaction to Marc’s tweets is a tempest in a teapot ... People need to relax.”

“Facebook was trying to provide free access to content to the poor in India in a manner that both benefited them and the poor,” Ganesan wrote. “Is some access better than no access? That’s the question.”
And, in a way, much of Silicon Valley is a form of colonialism. Facebook, Twitter, Google and the rest offer a free service in exchange for control. Resistance becomes more difficult than assimilation, and so the trade doesn’t seem too bad.

Nor are Facebook’s efforts historically unique in western dealings with India, writes historian David Arnold in his book on the topic: “Faith in Britain’s capacity to modernize and civilize India was always fraught with multiple contradictions, among them a recurrent belief that Indians were unready (or unfit) to receive the benefits of scientific modernity, a determination to deny India the competitive advantages that full access to modern science and technology might entail, and a romantically tinged anti-industrialism, in which India was destined to remain a land of princes, peasants and artisans, spared the ugliness and turmoil of modern industrial society.”

Back at IndieBio, an industrial office space with a high-end research lab in the basement and, upstairs, some leftover snacks and name tags from an earlier party, Sharma and Gupta agreed Facebook was fighting a losing battle.

In the early days of the internet in America, telecommunications companies like AT&T tried to create walled internets in the US, too, Gupta recalled, adding that he worked on some of them and that the strategy obviously hadn’t worked.

Sharma said this would set India and Silicon Valley relations back.

“I know the entire Facebook team behind this. I know their intention, but why do this?” Sharma wondered. “It’s not like the companies in India are saints, but we’re just beginning to step out of that. And now this privileged set of assumptions that oh the poor need this, the poor should be happy with this, it’s set us all back by years.”

Andreessen, whose venture capital firm has invested $4.3bn in companies like Airbnb and Skype and may be the most powerful investment group in the valley, stirred controversy in the fall when a seemingly-arbitrary group of women and people of color realized he had “blocked” them on Twitter, or made it so they couldn’t read his messages.

“Has Marc blocked you yet?” Sharma asked. “He’s blocked me.”

Zuckerberg shuts down Facebook board member over his 'deeply upsetting' tweets

         Andreessen said India's blocking of Facebook's Free Basics service was based in 'anti-colonialism', which he claimed had been 'economically catastrophic' for the country
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has publicly chided board member Marc Andreessen for his “deeply upsetting” comments on the legacy of colonialism in India. 
Andreessen stoked controversy on Twitter on 10 February when he said India's blocking of Facebook's Free Basics service, which offers limited internet access to poor people in developing countries, was “morally wrong”.

The Indian telecoms regulator blocked the service over concerns relating to net neutrality, but Andreessen seemed to claim that the decision was motivated by Indian “anti-colonialism,” which he said “has been economically catastrophic for the Indian people for decades.”

Many Twitter users, from India and elsewhere, criticised Andreessen for his comments. The offending tweet was quickly deleted and Andreessen issued an apology, in which he claimed he is a “huge admirer of the nation of India and the Indian people,” and saying in future he would leave commentary on these kinds of topics “to people with more knowledge and experience than me.”
Some Indian commentators have expressed similar sentiments before, however. Journalist Manu Joseph said in a January Hindustan Times article that if India's poor “fully understood what they are being denied” by internet freedom activists, they would “hit the streets and bring the nation to a halt.”
Critics of Free Basics argued that by limiting which sites users could visit, Facebook was going against the principle that all internet users should be treated the same by service providers. Many also expressed discomfort over the idea of Facebook controlling the internet experiences of some of the world's poorest people.

After Andreessen's apology, Zuckerberg took to his personal Facebook page, which has almost 50 million followers, to show his disagreement with the venture capitalist's remarks.
He said: “I found the comments deeply upsetting, and they do not represent the way Facebook or I think at all.”

The CEO also spoke about his links to India, writing: “India has been personally important to me and Facebook. Early on in my thinking about our mission, I travelled to India and was inspired by the humanity, spirit and values of the people.”

He said: “Facebook stands for helping to connect people and giving them voice to shape their own future. But to shape the future we need to understand the past."

“As our community in India has grown, I've gained a deeper appreciation for the need to understand India's history and culture. I've been inspired by how much progress India has made in building a strong nation and the largest democracy in the world, and I look forward to strengthening my connection to the country.”

There are over 130 million Facebook users in India, and Zuckerberg has a high-profile presence in the country, last year meeting with prime minister Narendra Modi.

The social network's battles with the Indian authorities over Free Basics also led Zuckerberg to write a passionate editorial in defence of the service which was published in the Times of India, the country's biggest English-language newspaper.
Marc Andreessen's 'colonialism' gaffe? Marc Andreessen's 'colonialism' gaffe? Reviewed by Unknown on 14:04:00 Rating: 5

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