Gravitational Waves Exist: The Inside Story

Gravitational waves: A leap towards theory of everything, a moment that rivals Galileo

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 Dr. David Reitze, Executive Director of the LIGO Laboratory at Caltech, shows the merging of two black holes at a news conference to discuss the detection of gravitational waves, ripples in space and time hypothesized by physicist Albert Einstein a century ago, in Washington.  (Source: Reuters)

In an announcement that electrified the world of astronomy, scientists said Thursday that they have finally detected gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Albert Einstein predicted a century ago. Some scientists likened the breakthrough to the moment Galileo took up a telescope to look at the planets.

Watch Video: Gravitational waves from black holes discovered

The discovery of these waves, created by violent collisions in the universe, excites astronomers because it opens the door to a new way of observing the cosmos. For them, it’s like turning a silent movie into a talkie because these waves are the soundtrack of the cosmos.
LIGO scientific collaboration has confirmed discovery of gravitational waves using its detectors 
LIGO scientific collaboration has confirmed discovery of gravitational waves using its detectors“Until this moment we had our eyes on the sky and we couldn’t hear the music,” said Columbia University astrophysicist Szabolcs Marka, a member of the discovery team. “The skies will never be the same.”

An all-star international team of astrophysicists (including from India) used a newly upgraded and excruciatingly sensitive $1.1 billion instrument known as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, to detect a gravitational wave from the distant crash of two black holes, one of the ways these ripples are created.

To make sense of the raw data, the scientists translated the wave into sound. At a news conference, they played what they called a “chirp” — the signal they heard on September 14. It was barely perceptible even when enhanced.
Gravitational waves, ligo, Einstein

Some physicists said the finding is as big a deal as the 2012 discovery of the subatomic Higgs boson, sometimes called the “God particle”. Some said this is bigger.

“It’s really comparable only to Galileo taking up the telescope and looking at the planets,” said Penn State physics theorist Abhay Ashtekar, who wasn’t part of the discovery team. “Our understanding of the heavens changed dramatically”.

Gravitational waves, first theorised by Einstein in 1916 as part of his theory of general relativity, are extraordinarily faint ripples in space-time, the hard-to-fathom fourth dimension that combines time with the familiar up, down, left and right. When massive but compact objects like black holes or neutron stars collide, they send gravity ripples across the universe.

Scientists found indirect proof of the existence of gravitational waves in the 1970s — computations that showed they ever so slightly changed the orbits of two colliding stars — and the work was honoured as part of the 1993 Nobel Prize in physics. But Thursday’s announcement was a direct detection of a gravitational wave.

And that’s considered a big difference.

“It’s one thing to know soundwaves exist, but it’s another to actually hear Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony,” said Marc Kamionkowsi, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University who wasn’t part of the discovery team. “In this case we’re actually getting to hear black holes merging.”
LIGO scientists claim that the gravitational waves originated from collision of two black holes 
LIGO scientists claim that the gravitational waves originated from collision of two black holesGravitational waves are the “soundtrack of the universe”, said team member Chad Hanna of Pennsylvania State University.

Detecting gravitational waves is so difficult that when Einstein first theorised about them, he figured scientists would never be able to hear them. Einstein later doubted himself and even questioned in the 1930s whether they really do exist, but by the 1960s scientists had concluded they probably do, Ashtekar said.
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In 1979, the National Science Foundation decided to give money to the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to come up with a way to detect the waves.

Twenty years later, they started building two LIGO detectors in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana, and they were turned on in 2001. But after years with no luck, scientists realised they had to build a more advanced detection system, which was turned on last September.
“This is truly a scientific moonshot and we did it. We landed on the moon,” said David Reitze, LIGO’s executive director.

The new LIGO in some frequencies is three times more sensitive than the old one and is able to detect ripples at lower frequencies that the old one couldn’t. And more upgrades are planned.

Gravitational waves: an astrophysicist answers your questions – as it happened


Why is this a big deal?

A bigger deal than the Higgs boson


Introducing astrophysicist Dr Katie Mack

So, physicists have announced the discovery of gravitational waves.

You’ve heard they’re “ripples in the fabric of spacetime”. You’ve heard they were a prediction of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. You probably even know the waves that were detected were created when two massive black holes circled each other and violently collapsed. You can read all about the discovery here, and we’ve already answered a few questions here.

But we know you’re still brimming with questions! So here we have Dr Katie Mack, an astrophysicist from the University of Melbourne. She’s on hand to answer Everything You Wanted To Know About Gravitational Waves But Were Too Afraid To Ask.

No question is too basic! Hit us up in the comments and I’ll put them to Katie, who will do her best to bring you up to speed.
Gravitational Waves Exist: The Inside Story Gravitational Waves Exist: The Inside Story Reviewed by Unknown on 14:14:00 Rating: 5

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