CLAT 2016 Result

Clat 2016 Answer key released at official website, objections can be filed now : Notification

Image result for CLAT 2016
The answer key for CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) 2016 has been finally released by RGNUL Patiala today i.e on May 12. All those candidates who have appeared for the same can download it from the official website

CLAT is an all India entrance examination, conducted on rotation by 17 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admissions to five-year integrated Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law (B.A. plus LL.B) and one-year Master of Law (LL.M) programme for the academic session 2016-17.

The exam was conducted on May 8, 2016 for granting admission to students into both undergraduate and post graduate law programmes . The exam was held from 3 pm to 5 pm.

CLAT 2016: Answer key, Result, Admissions

The candidates can also download the response sheets to file objections in regard to any question. Representations and queries can be filed, if any related to the questions of the paper or answer key between May 13 and May 15. CLAT 2016 Results will be declared on May 23 in online mode only.
On the basis of the score obtained in CLAT 2016 in merit-list, the choice taken by the candidates and availability of seat in desired university, allotment of seats will be made.

This year, the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, conducted the exam.

According to the CLAT official website, an astounding increase of 200 percent was noticed in the number of CLAT applicants between the years 2008 and 2015. CLAT is conducted by 14 National Law Universities (NLU's) every year.

Important dates:
The results are expected to be released by May 23.

CLAT 2016

CLAT 2016 was conducted by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL) Patiala on May 8, 2016. The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is the most coveted law entrance exam for admissions to as many as 2252 seats in five-year integrated law programmes including BA LLB, B.Com LLB and B.Sc LLB and is conducted every year by a National Law University (NLU) among the 17 member NLUs of the CLAT Committee, by rotation in the order of their establishment.
Latest: CLAT 2016 Answer Key is available now and CLAT 2016 Result will be announced on May 23.
Let us have a quick look over CLAT 2016 facts and figures before we proceed to the exam and admission details
Exam Name – Common Law Admission Test
Abbreviated Name – CLAT
Type – Undergraduate
Level – National
Exam Mode – Online
Participating Institutes – 17 National Law Universities (NLUs)
Total Seats – 2252
Number of Aspirants – 40000 (approximately)
Competition Level – Tough

CLAT 2016 Application Form, Important Dates, Eligibility

CLAT 2016 Important Dates â€“ The exam conducting body, RGNUL Patiala declared the dates of CLAT 2016 along with the scheduled events. You can have an overview of CLAT 2016 Dates as provided below–
CLAT 2016 Events
Important Dates
NotificationDecember 14, 2015
Application FormJanuary 1 – April 5, 2016
Admit CardApril 19, 2016
Online ExamMay 8, 2016
Result and Rank ListMay 23, 2016
Counselling and Seat AllotmentJune 1 - July 6, 2016
[Click here to Know Which NLU College you will get based on your CLAT 2016 marks or Call 011-40360360]

CLAT 2016 Admission Procedure – The law aspirants will be admitted to the five-year integrated law programmes on the basis of merit-cum-preference of the candidates appearing in CLAT 2016. The candidates will be awarded an All India Rank (AIR) as per their performance in the exam.
The admission procedure follows a centralized counselling process, where seats are allotted to the candidates based on their secured AIR and their preference of NLUs during the counselling choice-locking.

CLAT 2016 Eligibility – Aspirants needed to fill in the applications after ensuring the eligibility criteria of the common law admission test. As per the eligibility criteria, candidates need to have qualified 12th standard of 10+2 examination system or equivalent examination securing a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate of the subjects. Those who are appearing in the current academic session of 10+2 examination can also be considered eligible for CLAT 2016, subjected to the minimum qualifying marks in the 10+2 examination.

As per the Supreme Court order, there is no age bar for appearing in CLAT. Therefore, candidates can fill the applications once they meet the above eligibility criteria, irrespective of any age limit.

CLAT 2016: Exam Analysis

CLAT 2016 Application Form and Procedure – The Applications had begun from January 1. The aspirants were able to apply in online mode. Candidates needed to generate a login and password for CLAT 2016 Online Applications by registering themselves.

Candidates could access their applications through the generated login id and password. There were a set of documents which needed to be uploaded during the online applications. The necessary documents included Class X marks-sheet, Class XII marks-sheet and Signature of parent/guardian along with the recent photograph and signature of the candidate.

Once they had filled in the online applications, they needed to remit an application fee against the common law admission test of Rs. 4000 (Rupees Four Thousand only) in any of the modes – online or offline.

While the online mode included options of Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking, the fee could be remitted through Bank Challan facility of ICICI Bank, in case of offline mode.

CLAT Admit Card 2016 (Available) - Download Hall Ticket

CLAT 2016 Admit Card – The admit card was available in the online mode only. CLAT 2016 E-Admit Card could be accessed and downloaded from April 19, 2016.

Candidates could access their admit cards by logging into their registered accounts using the login id and password. They were advised to get extra print out copy of the same for future correspondences.
CLAT 2016 Admit Card mentioned the exam details including the name of the appearing candidate, venue and timing. In case, of any discrepancy, candidates needed to bring the same to the notice of exam authorities, at the earliest.

CLAT 2016 Test Centres – Careers360 provided you a complete list of the Test Centres/Testing Venues, as announced by CLAT 2016 Committee. The coveted law entrance exam for admission year 2016 was conducted in as many as 66 cities across India. Last year, the exam was conducted in as many as 173 centres of 52 cities of India, which included 7 cities of Uttar Pradesh, Amritsar, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Imphal, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna, Ranchi and Vishakhapatnam.

CLAT 2016 Syllabus – The online law entrance exam for admissions to five-year integrated law programmes in 17 NLUs comprise questions from five sections namely, English with Comprehension, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability), Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning.
  • English with Comprehension section tested the candidates’ proficiency in English as a language based on comprehension passages and grammar. Wherein the questions on comprehension gauged their understanding of passages, its central theme, meaning of words, that questioned on grammar involved correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, filling of blanks with appropriate words, etc.
  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs had the questions broadly from the matters featuring in last one year.
  • Elementary Mathematics had the questions of numerical ability till Class 10th level.
  • Legal Aptitude, the section which tested the candidates’ interest towards study of law, research aptitude and problem-solving ability. The questions were set based on legal propositions and set of facts. Candidates needed to assume the ‘truth’/authenticity of the proposition and answer the questions accordingly as some propositions may not be ‘true’ in real sense.
  • Logical Reasoning comprised questions on patterns, logical links and illogical arguments. The section also included a number of questions based on syllogism, logical sequences and analogies.
CLAT 2016 Exam Pattern – The coveted law entrance exam was conducted on May 8 in online mode. The online common law admission test was conducted for two hours duration.

The common law admission test comprised a total of 200 questions carrying 200 marks, wherein each question was of one mark. The 200 questions were asked from 5 sections including English with Comprehension, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability), Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning.

The law exam follows a system of negative marking under which one mark is awarded to every correct answer and for every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total scored marks.

Let us have an overview of the section-wise distribution of questions and marks allotted to each section –

Candidates needed to answer each question with an appropriate response. If any question is responded with more than one option, the very question will be marked as wrong as negative marking with be applicable to the very question, even if one of the responded options is correct.

CLAT 2016 Sample Paper – Careers360 brought you updated sample paper of CLAT, which comprises questions of previous years. With CLAT 2016 Sample Papers, candidates can practice for the exam.

Click here to Download CLAT 2016 Sample Paper.

CLAT 2016 Answer Key – The exam conducting body has declared the CLAT answer key 2016 on May 12. The official answer key will help candidates in knowing the actual answers to every of the questions in the online admission test.

The Official Answer Key will also aid you in gauging your estimated marks by cross-checking with the answers that you’ll be marking in the common law admission test.

Several coaching institutes will also be announcing answer key of the common law admission test. Careers360 in accordance with the exam experts will provide you the answer key with solutions, after the exam has been conducted.

The exam committee may issue the response sheet of candidates appearing in the admission test along with the official answer key so as to follow a transparency in the exam system. The candidates can access their response sheets by logging in their registered accounts.

CLAT 2016 Result â€“ RGNUL Patiala will be declaring the result of law entrance exam on May 23, 2016. Candidates can check their result by logging to respective accounts using the login id and password.

The result tab on login id of the candidates will provide the exam performance details of candidates including All India Rank (AIR), State Rank and State Category Rank.
Based on CLAT 2016 Result and AIR, candidates will be further called in for participating in the counselling process.

In case of any tie between two or more candidates with equal scores as per the result of the admission test, the same shall be broken in the following procedure and method –
  • Higher marks in Legal Aptitude section of CLAT 2016
  • Higher age
  • Computerized draw of lots 
CLAT 2016 Rank List – The coveted law exam conducting body may publish rank list, along with or after the result has been published. CLAT 2016 Rank List will provide detailed information of the total number of candidates, their total scores, subject-wise marks and All India Rank as well as State Ranks.

The Rank List/ Merit List shall be actually prepared by the exam conducting body to acknowledge the test-takers regarding their performance in the most sought after law entrance exam. Moreover, the Merit List/Rank List will also impart a transparency in the exam system.

CLAT 2016 Cutoff – The cutoff  will also be determined by the exam conducting body (RGNUL Patiala most likely) in accordance with the issued rank list of the exam.

CLAT 2016 Cutoff will be the minimum marks scored by a candidate for participating in the counselling rounds and lock his/her choices of preference for NLUs. Candidates will only be allotted the seats in the counselling procedure, after they meet the cutoff.

Last year, the cutoff of common law admission test for the first round of counselling was as follows –
NLSIU Bangalore118.25
NALSAR Hyderabad111.5
NLIU Bhopal100.5
WBNUJS Kolkata107
NLU Jodhpur102.75
HNLU Raipur97.75
GNLU Gandhinagar78.25
*Based on last year’s CLAT data

CLAT 2016 Counselling â€“ The exam committee has declared the counselling schedule and procedure of CLAT 2016. Candidates appearing in the law admission test will be required to participate in the common law admission test counselling process and lock their choices of preferences for NLUs.

As per the choices locked by the candidates and their exam scores, they will be allotted seats in the NLUs. Once they have been allotted a seat and they accept the seat, a counselling fee needs to be deposited within a stipulated time so as to be considered against the seat. After the completion of the fee deposition process, the exam committee will be issuing the seat allotment list for next counselling round.

Candidates during the counselling rounds can lock, upgrade or withdraw any seat.

The CLAT 2016 Committee may conduct as many as 4 counselling rounds for the seat allotment process.

CLAT 2016 Seat Allotment – The Seat Allotment is a process involved within the counselling schedule, wherein the exam conducting body will be allotting seats of NLUs to the candidates based on their AIR and choices locked. If the candidate accepts any of the seats allotted to him/her, a counselling fee needs to be remitted against the seat which afterwards will be deemed to be occupied by the candidate. If the candidate fails to remit the required amount of fees within the stipulated time, the committee will forfeit the seat and the right to be considered for admissions to CLAT 2016. After completion of each fee deposition process, the committee will be announcing the next seat allotment list.

CLAT 2016 Participating Institutes – Careers360 brings you the list of CLAT 2016 participating institutes which also includes a number of other law schools apart from the NLUs participating in the coveted law exam.

The participating institutes will be accepting the scores of the law entrance exam for admissions to five-year integrated law programmes including BA LLB, B.Sc LLB and B.Com LLB.
Click here for the list of institutes participating in CLAT 2016.

CLAT 2016 Seats and Reservation – The law entrance exam is conducted for admissions to as many as 2252 seats distributed among the participating 17 NLUs. Click here to know CLAT 2016 Seats  for both BA LLB and LLM programmes.

The exam committee follows government rules and regulations for reservation criteria. Each NLU offers some seats to the reserved categories and are in accordance of the government regulations.
  • Scheduled Castes – 15%
  • Scheduled Tribes – 7.5%
  • Other Backward Classes – 27%
Candidates need to refer the brochure of every NLU for verifying the reserved seats.
CLAT 2016 Result CLAT 2016 Result Reviewed by Unknown on 21:16:00 Rating: 5

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