Kangana Ranaut REACTS to the emails that Hrithik Roshan has circulated to media!

कंगना ने कहा, 'मुझे है एसपरजर्स सिंड्रोम', जानिए क्या है यह बीमारी
ऋतिक रोशन-कंगना रनौट विवाद में नया खुलासा हुआ है। ऋतिक ने पिछले दिनों कंगना और ऋतिक के बीच के कुछ ई-मेल साइबर क्राइम इन्वेस्टिगेशन सेल को सौंपे थे। इनमें से एक मेल में कंगना ने लिखा है, 'लगता है कि मुझे Asperger's Syndrome है। मैं इसको लेकर स्ट्रेस में हूं। अगर तुम्हें वक्त मिले तो पढ़ना। मैं इस सिंड्रोम का 98% तक शिकार हूं।' क्या है एसपरजर्स सिंड्रोम...
सायकोलॉजिस्ट डॉ. अनामिका पापड़ीवाल का कहना है कि एसपरजर्स सिंड्रोम एक तरह का PDD (परवेसिव डेवलपमेंट डिसऑर्डर) है। इसके पेशेंट्स गुमगुम रहते हैं। दूसरे लोगों से घुलने-मिलने में उन्हें परेशानी होती है। अपने मन की बात दूसरों को समझाना इनके लिए मुश्किल होता है। इसके सिम्पटम्स 3 साल की उम्र से लेकर जीवनभर दिख सकते हैं।

किसे होता है?

एसपरजर्स सिंड्रोम की असल वजह का अभी तक पता नहीं चल पाया है, लेकिन एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि यह जेनिटिक बीमारी है। यानी परिवार में किसी को यह प्रॉब्लम होगी, तो उसके आगे की जनरेशन में इसका खतरा बढ़ जाएगा।

Kareena Kapoor REACTS to Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik

Kangana Ranaut REACTS to the emails that Hrithik Roshan has circulated to media!
Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan’s legal spat has taken yet another ugly turn. The latest update in the morning was the very controversial personal mails that Kangana had sent to Hrithik, according to reports. This was done with a view to prove the actor’s innocence. However Kangana has hit back through her lawyer and she has some strong allegations to make, yet again! Advocate Rizwan Siddiquee states that “By circulating some out-of-context unreliable and unverified emails to the media together with some unreliable private forensic report, Mr. Hrithik Roshan has finally proved that he has lost complete trust in the legal system as well as patience and shall go to any extent to cause damage to my client’s name, image and reputation and instill fear in her mind. It is apparent that he cannot wait till my client formally records her statement with the police and is therefore obviously pushing her to extremes, to proceed ahead in the matter without waiting to obtain a copy of the FIR, as is legally sought by my client.

"It Is Very Disturbing" - Kangana Ranaut Reacts To Hrithik

# The truth behind the whole matter is that my client had much earlier alleged in her counter notice that two of her emails were hacked by Mr. Hrithik Roshan and that a complaint in this regard was also made to his father by my client, way back.

# It is also a matter of record that Mr. Hrithik Roshan filed his FIR with the cyber crime police station much after my client accused Mr. Hrithtik of hacking her accounts. It is therefore apparent that these emails so referred to and relied upon by Mr. Hrithik Roshan are absolutely unreliable and subject to verification by my client. In any event a bare perusal of these emails circulated to the media prove the following


a) That these emails are totally out-of-context.
b) That these emails have no relevance or bearing to the complaint made with regard to an imposter, as they do not contain any reference to any imposter or an imposter’s email id.
c) That at the face of it, the emails appear to have been created by the perpetrator with a specific purpose for later use.
d) Besides it appears that, the contents of some emails so created by the perpetrator blatantly seeks to belie apparent truth.

# I would like to specifically state that my client has known Mr. Hrithik Roshan both professionally and personally since last more than 7 years and these out-of-context fabricated emails so circulated to the media by Mr. Hrithik Roshan and his team appears to be in total contrast to the true and correct facts of the matter.

# It should be noted that Mr. Hrithik Roshan has since last few weeks claimed that there is no fight between him and my client.

a) If this is the truth then why has he not withdrawn his notice yet and ended the fight?

b) Also, besides why is he circulating out of context and absolutely unverified and unreliable emails to the world? Let him prove as to how are these unverified and unreliable emails connected with an imposter, as he has released these emails in that context?

c) Further why does he not wait for the Police to file their investigation report as per the process of law?

d) Besides he also needs to answer as to why did he immediately not file a complaint against an imposter (if any) in the month of May 2014 itself and take all details of the imposter from my client at the right time?

e) Also in the month of December 2015 why did he publicly lie that there are many people communicating with the imposter whereas now he claims that there was no one except for my client who was communicating with the imposter?

f) Additionally he needs to answer as to why is he going on changing his stand each time. His notice was never ever focused on any imposter ? Now that we are dealing with the imposter complaint in a proper manner, he again has changed his stand and is malafidely and mischievously trying to prove that my client is mentally unstable. What does this prove?

g) And most importantly my client in any event had never claimed that he was the “Silly Ex” that she had referred to in an interview therefore why does he himself want to claim that he is indeed that “Silly Ex”?

Let him answer these specific questions before the media and clear his image, whilst in the meantime my client patiently follows the procedure of law as a law-abiding citizen and exercises her rights as well as perform her duties? It will be a waste of precious time to talk any further on the subject matter as members of public are smart enough to understand what is true and what is false.”

Well, this sure is getting nastier as the days pass. What are your thoughts on it BollywoodLifers? Tell us in the comments section below!
Kangana Ranaut REACTS to the emails that Hrithik Roshan has circulated to media! Kangana Ranaut REACTS to the emails that Hrithik Roshan has circulated to media! Reviewed by Unknown on 15:50:00 Rating: 5

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