All You Need to Know About Asperger’s Which Kangana Might Have

Kangana CONFESSSED about suffering from Aspergers syndrome to Hrithik. Here's the proof!

1. Communication Becomes a Struggle

Asperger’s is a developmental disorder. People with Asperger’s don’t have cogntive or language deficits but they have a problem in socialising and communicating. They struggle to relate to the world around them. Psychologists I spoke to, say that people don’t realise how much effort, energy and dedication from patients of AS go into trying to appear ‘normal’.

2. Either Very Orderly or a Socially Awkward

To be a lousy socialiser is one aspect. Often people on the other end of the spectrum are very orderly, become unglued if things don’t go their way, live in a disarry and have a lot of difficulty with daily responsibilities.

3. Difficulty In Understanding Non-Verbal Communication (Like Body Language or Voice Tone)

This is often accompanied by a trouble in empathizing with other people and understanding another point of view.

4. Average or Above Average Intelligence

Most people with AS aren’t geniuses but that doesn’t mean they are dumb. Their brain functions differently and takes a little longer to process but they are academically superior to the rest of the peers.


A lot of people with AS are also diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Growing up knowing that you are different and your struggle is more than the other kids, takes a toll on your self-esteem.

6. The Outside World Seems Terrifying

To a person with social anxiety the outside world can be exhausting and terrifying. Their mind is bombarded with sensory information and sometimes the anxiety levels can soar sky high.

What is Asperger Syndrome?

Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a neurobiological disorder on the higher-functioning end of the autism spectrum. An individual’s symptoms can range from mild to severe. While sharing many of the same characteristics as other Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD’s) including Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA), AS has been recognized as a distinct medical diagnosis in Europe for almost 60 years, but has only been included in the U.S. medical diagnostic manual since 1994 (“Asperger Disorder” in the DSM-IV).

Asperger Syndrome | What is Autism? | Autism Speaks

Individuals with AS and related disorders exhibit serious deficiencies in social and communication skills. Their IQ’s are typically in the normal to very superior range. They are usually educated in the mainstream, but most require special education services. Because of their naivete, those with AS are often viewed by their peers as “odd” and are frequently a target for bullying and teasing.

They desire to fit in socially and have friends, but have a great deal of difficulty making effective social connections. Many of them are at risk for developing mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression, especially in adolescence. Diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders should be made by a medical expert to rule out other possible diagnoses and to discuss interventions.

Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms in Children, Teens, Adults

Each person is different. An individual might have all or only some of the described behaviors to have a diagnosis of AS.

These behaviors include the following:
  • Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as: eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction.
  • Extreme difficulty in developing age-appropriate peer relationships. (e.g. AS children may be more comfortable with adults than with other children).
  • Inflexible adherence to routines and perseveration.
  • Fascination with maps, globes, and routes.
  • Superior rote memory.
  • Preoccupation with a particular subject to the exclusion of all others. Amasses many related facts.
  • Difficulty judging personal space, motor clumsiness.
  • Sensitivity to the environment, loud noises, clothing and food textures, and odors.
  • Speech and language skills impaired in the area of semantics, pragmatics, and prosody (volume, intonation, inflection, and rhythm).
  • Difficulty understanding others’ feelings.
  • Pedantic, formal style of speaking; often called “little professor,” verbose.
  • Extreme difficulty reading and/or interpreting social cues.
  • Socially and emotionally inappropriate responses.
  • Literal interpretation of language; difficulty comprehending implied meanings.
  • Extensive vocabulary. Reading commences at an early age (hyperlexia).
  • Stereotyped or repetitive motor mannerisms.
  • Difficulty with “give and take” of conversation.

All You Need to Know About Asperger’s Which Kangana Might Have All You Need to Know About Asperger’s Which Kangana Might Have Reviewed by Unknown on 15:54:00 Rating: 5

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