UPSEE 2016: Download the admit cards
UPSEE admit cards 2016: There are separate admit cards for each and every paper of UPSEE-2016 examination
The Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) has released the admit cards for PG and UG entrance examination.
The exam is scheduled to be conducted on April 17, 23 and 24.
There are separate admit cards for each and every paper of UPSEE-2016 examination. Therefore, those candidates, who have applied for multiple papers, have to download and print admit cards of all the papers that they have applied for.
Steps to download UPSEE admit card 2016
Log on to the official websiteClick on the link displaying admit card for UG/Admit card for PG
Click here for the admit card of UPSEE PG exam
Click here for the admit card of UPSEE UG exam
Submit your application number and password
Click on sign in
Save your admit card and remember to carry it in the exam hall.
The exams for degree level engineering institutions and other professional colleges has been assigned to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University.
UPSEE 2016 Admit Card, Hall Ticket - Download Here
UPSEE 2016 Admit Card – Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
Technical University (AKTU) is all set to release the admit card of
UPSEE 2016. The issuance will start on 08 April 2016, on the official
website, and candidates will not be able to avail it via e-mail, post or
any other medium. To download it, candidates will have to submit the
application number and the password. Without the UPSEE admit card 2016,
candidates will not be allowed to write the exam. Know more about UPSEE
2016 hall ticket, from the article below.
Steps to be Take in Case of Discrepancy and failure in the Issuance of UPSEE Admit Card
It is very important to ensure that all the details in the admit card of UP State Entrance Exam should be correct. If candidates will find any error in the published details then they may contact regional nodal center. The duplicate admit card will be allocated to the candidates, in case any issue is encountered. However, to receive it, candidates will have to submit the following documents:
E-mail ID:
UPSEE 2016 Admit Card – Procedure to Download
To download the admit card of UPSEE 2016, candidates may follow the steps below:- Access the link which will be available here.
- Enter UPSEE application number and password.
- Download and secure the displayed admit card
If candidates cannot download their UPSEE admit card 2016 then they
should contact the helpline and send an email
at The last date to submit such query is
14th April, 2016.
UPSEE 2016 Admit Card – Details
Admit card of UPSEE 2016 would contain a variety of information about the candidate and the exam. The information which will be published in UPSEE Hall Ticket 2016 are as below:- Name of the candidate
- Candidate’s father name
- Roll number of the candidate
- Application number of the candidate
- Category and Sub Category of the candidate
- Gender of the candidate
- Rural Weightage
- Photograph and Signature of the candidate
- Exam time, Day and Venue
- Some general instructions for the exam
Steps to be Take in Case of Discrepancy and failure in the Issuance of UPSEE Admit Card
It is very important to ensure that all the details in the admit card of UP State Entrance Exam should be correct. If candidates will find any error in the published details then they may contact regional nodal center. The duplicate admit card will be allocated to the candidates, in case any issue is encountered. However, to receive it, candidates will have to submit the following documents:
- Two same passport size photographs which were submitted during registration
- Rs. 25.00, as fee for re-issuance of admit card
- Application Registration Number, as allocated
- Copy of registered post/ speed post, as proof of submitting the Confirmation Page
E-mail ID:
UPSEE 2016 Hall Ticket Importance
- Candidate must bring the UPSEE admit card/hall ticket to the exam center in original.
- Without it, no candidate would be allowed to sit in the exam hall.
- Only downloaded and printed admit card is allowed.
- A candidate must contact admission officials if he doesn’t receive admit card.
UPSEE 2016: Download the admit cards
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