89 min “It wasn’t Barcelona
who demanded that Fifa ban all football worldwide on the day of their
100th birthday,” says Simon Frank. “There isn’t a club more
sanctimonious than Real Madrid.”
Is that true? That’s absolutely hilarious if so.
69 min
“Can I throw my two cents into the mix, Rob?” says Ruth Purdue. “I
think it is the smugness of Barca sometimes. They know that a lot of the
time they have won the game without even stepping on the pitch. Playing
on the Més que un club slogan, and the arrogance that surrounds it, but
have now sold out like every other club. People like the to be there
when such a successful team fails. This team doesn’t fail that often,
with the players they have/have had in the past. I personally like the
beautiful play wherever it takes it form and Barca have contributed
immensely since a certain No 14 played for them.”
Well, nobody’s perfect.
64 min
“Don’t want to downplay Barca’s stunning loss of form,” says Juan
Hidalgo, “but you’ve mentioned a few times that this would be their
fourth consecutive defeat, by my reckoning this would only be their
third in all competitions. Easy to forget that they beat Atletico in the
first leg, and since then have lost to Real Socieded and Atletico
again. Don’t mean to nitpick, just trying to convince myself its not
really as bad as it seems! Would be interesting to know last time they
went 3 games without scoring though.”
Oh crikey, you are right, my mistake. Thanks.
62 min Valencia’s work-rate has been wonderful. Wilsonesque, even.
48 min It is possible to have a slump like this and win a league. Barcelona need their own Macheda moment.
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