Navratri 2016: Fasting rules you must know

Navratri 2016: Fasting rules you must know (Getty Images)
Do you know the 9-day long Navratri fast also has a scientific reason? As we all know Navratris come twice a year and both at the time when the weather is changing. According to experts, this is the time when our body's immunity level is at an all time low and we must eat light and nutritious meals. That's the reason we cannot eat meats, grains, common salt, anything that can be heavy on your system.

Ayurvedic experts feel that foods like onion and common salt attract and absorb negative energies and that is the reason they should be avoided during this time. So what can we eat during this fast? Well, we can have fruits, gluten-free kattu ka atta (buckwheat flour), sendha salt (rock salt - salt in its purest form) or seasonal vegetables like pumpkin, bottle gourd and singhaada (water chestnet).
But there are some rules that you must follow to have a healthy fasting. Here they are:

Load up on fluids:
You should have lots of water to be keep yourself hydrated. You can even have coconut water, lemon water, milk, buttermilk to satiate yourself.

Do not stay empty stomach for long:
It's not advisable to go long hours without eating anything as it can lead to acidity. You can have roasted makhaanas or nuts.

Stay away from fried stuff:
Sabudana and aloo ki tikki and papad may taste like a true treat during Navratras fast but it is best to avoid the excess oil present in them. Instead opt for healthier options like sabudana khichdi or kheer.

Have curd:
Curd has a cooling effect on the body and also keeps the stomach healthy. You can add it to all your fast meals.

Have samak rice: Samak rice also known as jungle rice is a popular fasting food. It is not really a cereal but a fruit. It offers pretty much the same nourishment and energy that rice does. It is easy to digest and has low calories.  
Navratri 2016: Fasting rules you must know Navratri 2016: Fasting rules you must know Reviewed by Unknown on 21:05:00 Rating: 5

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