Freedom 251 india first most affordable smartphone @
Good News: 30 जून को शुरू होगी Freedom 251 की डिलीवरी
जालंधरः दुनिया के सबसे सस्ते स्मार्टफोन के रूप में प्रचारित हुए 'Freedom 251' बुक करवाने वाले उपभोक्ता के लिए खुशखबरी है कि जल्द ही उनके द्वारा बुक करवाए गए फोन की डिलीवरी शुरू होने वाली है। कंपनी द्वारा फेसबुक पर की गई पोस्ट के मुताबिक 30 जून तक लोगों को मोबाइल फोन मिलना शुरू हो जाएगा। कंपनी ने उन लोगों को मैसेज और ईमेल भेजना शुरू कर दिया है जिन्होंने इसकी बुकिंग करवाई थी।
गौरतलब है कि विश्व के सबसे सस्ते माने जाने वाले 'Freedom 251' मोबाइल को लेकर अब तक काफी विवाद सामने आ चुके हैं। फोन के ट्रेंड और कीमत में संशय की वजह से कंपनी के ऑफिस पर आयकर विभाग द्वारा छापा भी मारा जा चुका है। इसके बावजूद कंपनी का दावा है कि बुक हुए लाखों स्मार्टफोन्स सभी ग्राहकों को उपलब्ध करवाए जाएंगें। इसके लिए कंपनी के MD मोहित गोयल ने कहा है कि रिंगिंग बेल्स जल्द ही नोएडा तथा उत्तराखंड में अपने दो मॅन्युफॅक्चरिंग यूनिट्स लगा कर इन हैंडसेट्स का उत्पादन शुरू कर रही है।
Ringing Bells ने किया दावा
Freedom 251 Mobile फोन यानि दुनिया का सबसे सस्ता स्मार्टफोन Ringing Bells के मुताबिक यह फोन की ग्राहकों को समय पर डिलीवरी की जाएगी। यह दावा कंपनी के CEO मोहित गोयल ने करते हुए कहा कि कंपनी बिल्कुल सही कर रही है और अपना वादा निभाएगी।हाल ही में 251 रुपए में मोबाइल देने का दावा करने वाली रिगिंग बेल्स कम्पनी के खिलाफ नोएडा की फेज 3 कोतवाली में धोखाधड़ी का मामला दर्ज किया गया है। भाजपा सांसद डॉ. किरीट सोमैया की शिकायत पर रिगिंग बेल्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कम्पनी व कम्पनी के अधिकारियों के खिलाफ 420 आई.पी.सी. व 66 आई.टी. एक्ट में मामला दर्ज किया गया है।
Freedom 251: Here is the reason why customers might not want to sue Ringing Bells
Noida Police, on Tuesday registered an FIR
against the makers of Ringing Bells Freedom 251 under under Section 420
(cheating) of IPC and the IT Act .
Everyone wants to sue Ringing Bells, the makers of Freedom 251. While the world’s cheapest phone could soon prove to be a costly mistake for its makers, it is unlikely that the actual buyers of the phone will sue the company. That is because the costs of litigation will far outweigh the cost of the phone.
If the company finally ends up failing to deliver the phone as promised, not many people will bother going to consumer court for something that cost them just Rs 251. Unless you have the drive to bring the company to book, thousands of customers who bought the phone won’t bother spending their precious time in courts for a refund of this amount.
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In fact, some experts say the pricing gives Ringing Bells a big advantage. “They can actually pay back the money to the guys who pester them for the phone. Afterall, it is just Rs 251,” said the CEO of a tech manufacturing company.There are still a lot of unanswered questions about the phone. The most important one still is who is subsidising the phone? While the phone is priced Rs 251, Adcom — the actual manufacturers of the units Ringing Bells showcased last month — claim the phones were sold at Rs 3,600 apiece.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions about Ringing Bells Freedom 251.
So who is picking up the tab for the Rs 3,350 that is due just on the cost of the phone? And if someone is subsidising the phone, what is responsible for this sudden outpouring of philanthropy? The only business model that can help sustain subsidised hardware is monetised content and in India not even Apple or Google has been successful on that front, certainly not to the extent of being able to recover Rs 3,300 a year.
Some suggest that the idea behind the big launch of the Freedom 251 could have been brand building. You get a lot of press on the “world’s cheapest phone”, burn money by absorbing the subsidy to make this possible for a limited number of phones and then finally launch phones at a higher, more plausible, price point. “But by then your brand is made and everyone knows you,” says Datawind CEO Sunit Singh Tuli.
Tuli adds that this pricing has also muddied the waters for all companies planning to launch really cheap smartphones. Ringing Bells in a way took away a bit of Datawind’s thunder, as the company was reportedly working of a Rs 999 smartphone — which would have been the world’s cheapest had Freedom 251 not come along — for this year. “Now, everyone will look at Freedom 21 as the benchmark, even if they are not able to deliver in the end,” says Tuli. The company had launched a smartphone priced Rs 1,999 last year.
So who is picking up the tab for the Rs 3,350 that is due just on the cost of the phone? And if someone is subsidising the phone, what is responsible for this sudden outpouring of philanthropy? The only business model that can help sustain subsidised hardware is monetised content and in India not even Apple or Google has been successful on that front, certainly not to the extent of being able to recover Rs 3,300 a year.
Some suggest that the idea behind the big launch of the Freedom 251 could have been brand building. You get a lot of press on the “world’s cheapest phone”, burn money by absorbing the subsidy to make this possible for a limited number of phones and then finally launch phones at a higher, more plausible, price point. “But by then your brand is made and everyone knows you,” says Datawind CEO Sunit Singh Tuli.
Tuli adds that this pricing has also muddied the waters for all companies planning to launch really cheap smartphones. Ringing Bells in a way took away a bit of Datawind’s thunder, as the company was reportedly working of a Rs 999 smartphone — which would have been the world’s cheapest had Freedom 251 not come along — for this year. “Now, everyone will look at Freedom 21 as the benchmark, even if they are not able to deliver in the end,” says Tuli. The company had launched a smartphone priced Rs 1,999 last year.
Freedom 251 india first most affordable smartphone @
Reviewed by Unknown
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